Enhance access & discovery with Handwritten Text Recognition (HTR)
Webinar Round-Up | 8th August 2023
Introducing Handwritten Text Recognition (HTR) to our new Text Recognition Service
We are proud to be one of the first digital collection platforms to offer Handwritten Text Recognition (HTR)!
Both Optical Character Recognition (OCR) and Handwritten Text Recognition (HTR) will shortly be available for all PastView users, providing you with the ability to automatically recognise text within your typed and handwritten documents. Utilising AI, our Text Recognition system can recognise typed text and a huge array of handwriting styles from historical documents, automatically adding this information as metadata to support enhanced searching of your collections.
Thank you to all of those that joined our webinar: Enhance access & discovery with Handwritten Text Recognition (HTR). We were delighted to have such a great turnout of PastView users at the webinar, and we look forward to learning about how HTR is supporting the discoverability of your digital collections.
Let's take a moment to revisit what we covered during the webinar:
- The launch of our Text Recognition service
- Capabilities of Handwritten Text Recognition
- Handwritten Text Recognition in action
- How to access and use the new Text Recognition service
Watch the webinar recording below:
Do you still have questions?
We hope you enjoyed this webinar as much as we enjoyed sharing it with you, please do get in touch if you have any further questions.
Webinar Agenda
Introducing our Text Recognition service
Capabilities of Handwritten Text Recognition
Handwritten Text Recognition in action
How to access and use the Text Recognition service