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Important changes to Attribute Sets

Webinar Round-Up | 8th December 2021

There have been some important changes to attribute sets, with the introduction of types. These changes will ensure that, as a PastView user, you are properly categorising your data. This is achieved in two ways: 

  1. By attribute sets being given a type: item or entity.
  2. By all new items now requiring an attribute set to be assigned.

The latter point is important. The chosen attribute set should now be checked before importing new items. To find out more, download our PDF help guide.

To see how this impacts the management of existing data, and ingest of new data, please watch a recording of our recent webinar below:

Do you still have questions?

For more information on how these changes may impact you as a PastView user, you can reach out to our support team on

Features covered in this webinar:

Attribute Sets

Use attribute sets to create the sub categories and filters to power your search...  


Establish the relationship links between your items and enhance discoverability...


Create well structured, highly searchable collections from your diverse digital files...


Determine specific labels in order to tag and connect items across your collection...